Course curriculum

    1. 605 Self Employed Schedule C Introduction

    2. 607 Self Employed Schedule C Introduction

    3. 610 Sch. C Are You Self Employed

    4. 615 Sch. C Identification Numbers

    5. 617 Sch. C Estimated Payment

    1. 619 Sch. C Self-Employment (SE) Tax

    2. 620 Self-Employment (SE) Tax

    1. 621 Sch. C Accounting Methods

    2. 624 Sch. C Inventories

    3. 625 Tax Software Example Sch. C Inventories

    4. 627 Sch. C Business Income

    5. 630 Sch. C Cost of Goods Sold

    1. 632 Business Expenses Introduction

    2. 634 Sch. C Bad Debt Expense

    1. 637 Sch C Car & Truck Expenses

    2. 640 Software Example Car & Truck Expenses

    3. 643 Sch. C Depreciation

    4. 645 Sch. C Depreciation

    1. 650 Sch. C Employees’ Pay Expenses

    2. 652 Software Example Sch. C Employees’ Pay Expenses

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 40 lessons
  • 10 hours of video content


This course will discuss tax preparation issues related to a return that has self employment income, income generally reported on a Schedule C. 

Self employment income can have a significate impact on the tax return. 

We will start by providing a general overview of the areas of the tax return that may be impacted by the Schedule C. 

The course will discuss common deductions reported on the schedule C

Course topics will be presented in theory, followed by practical examples using 2021 tax forms and Excel worksheets.