Course curriculum

    1. OneNote Resource

    2. 6010RestoreBackupDataFile

    3. 6040CreateaNewCompanyFile

    4. 6060IncreaseSizeofIcons

    1. 6010 Restore & Backup Data Files

    2. 6040 Create a New Company File

    3. 6060 Increase Size of Icons

    1. Documents to Download

    2. 6010ComprehensiveProblemIntroduction

    3. 6040Free30DayTrialSetUp

    4. 6060AccountandSettingsCompanyTab

    1. OneNote Resource

    2. 6080CompanyPreferencesAccounting

    3. 6100CompanyPreferencesBillsCalendarChecking

    4. 6120CompanyPreferencesDesktopViewFinanceChargeGeneral

    5. 6160JobsEstimatesMultipleCurrenciesPaymentsPayroll

    6. 6140CompanyPreferencesIntegratedApplicationItemsInventory

    7. 6180CompanyPreferencesRemindersReportsGraphs

    8. 6200CompanyPreferencesSalesCustomersSalesTax

    9. 6220CompanyPreferencesSearchSendFormsServiceConnectionSpellingTax1099TimeExpens

    1. Documents to Download

    2. 6080 Company Preferences Accounting

    3. 6100 Company Preferences Bills, Calendar, & Checking

    4. 6120 Company Preferences Desktop View, Finance Charge, & General

    5. 6140 Company Preferences Integrated Application & Items & Inventory

    6. 6160 Jobs & Estimates, Multiple Currencies, Payments, & Payroll

    7. 6180 Company Preferences Reminders & Reports & Graphs

    8. 6200 Company Preferences Sales & Customers & Sales Tax

    9. 6220 Company Preferences Search, Send Forms, Service Connection, Spelling, Tax 1099, & Time & Expens

    1. Documents to Download

    2. OneNote Resource

    3. 6100AccountandSettingsExpensesPaymentsTimeandAdvancedTabs

    4. 6080AccountandSettingsBillingandSubscriptionUsageandSalesTabs

    5. 6120ManageUsers

    6. 6140QuickBooksLabsDarkMode

About this course

  • $150.00
  • 237 lessons
  • 43 hours of video content


This course will compare QuickBooks Online & QuickBooks Desktop so we can compare the pros and cons of each accounting software. 

This course is the second in a series of classes covering QuickBooks 2022; comprehensively.

We will create a new company file and populate it with two months of data input.

The data input will cover every significant form in each operating cycle, including the revenue cycle, the payables cycle, and the payroll cycle. The primary operating cycles are also commonly grouped as the customer, vendor, and employee cycle.

As we enter financial transactions, populating forms, we will analyze the impact on the financial statement and related reports.

Entering two months of data will allow us to see the difference in complexity of entering data for the first month of operations, a time when we have no historical data to help us, and entering data in following months, a time when we do have prior history and transactions to help simplify the process.